Animated Tabs
Tailwind UI's code switcher re-built with React Aria Components and animated with Framer Motion.
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This example is built on BuildUI's already excellent Animated Tabs recipe. It provides improved accessibility by using React Aria Components under the hood and demonstrates how to animate a tab handle that lives between a background and a label.
Best Practices
Prefix React Aria Components' imports to avoid confusion with custom components.
import { Tab as AriaTab } from 'react-aria-components';Easily style children inside the parent using
.'[&>[data-slot=label]]:text-slate-600 [&>[data-slot=label]]:transition-colors group-hover:[&>[data-slot=label]]:text-slate-900'Group styles by splitting them into multiple lines with
.className={clsx(// Tab text wrapper'relative z-20 flex items-center gap-x-2',// Tab icon'[&>[data-slot=icon]]:duration-[400ms] [&>[data-slot=icon]]:size-5 [&>[data-slot=icon]]:text-slate-600 [&>[data-slot=icon]]:transition-colors [&>[data-slot=icon]]:group-rac-selected:text-sky-500',// Tab text'[&>[data-slot=label]]:text-slate-600 [&>[data-slot=label]]:transition-colors group-hover:[&>[data-slot=label]]:text-slate-900 [&>[data-slot=label]]:group-rac-selected:text-slate-900',)}
import { CodeBracketIcon, EyeIcon } from '@heroicons/react/20/solid';import { clsx } from 'clsx';import { motion } from 'framer-motion';import { type TabPanelProps as AriaTabPanelProps, type TabProps as AriaTabProps, Tab as AriaTab, TabList as AriaTabList, TabPanel as AriaTabPanel, Tabs as AriaTabs,} from 'react-aria-components';
interface TabProps extends Omit<AriaTabProps, 'children' | 'className'> { children: React.ReactNode;}
function AnimatedTabs() { return ( <AriaTabs className="flex flex-col items-stretch gap-y-4"> <AriaTabList className="flex gap-x-1 rounded-lg bg-slate-100 p-0.5"> <Tab id="preview"> <EyeIcon /> <span data-slot="label">Preview</span> </Tab> <Tab id="code"> <CodeBracketIcon /> <span data-slot="label">Code</span> </Tab> </AriaTabList> <TabPanel id="preview"> <p>Preview content</p> </TabPanel> <TabPanel id="code"> <code>Code content</code> </TabPanel> </AriaTabs> );}
function Tab({ children, ...props }: TabProps) { return ( <AriaTab className="group relative flex cursor-pointer items-center rounded-md px-2 py-[0.4375rem] text-sm font-semibold focus-visible:outline-none rac-selected:cursor-default" {...props} > {({ isSelected }) => ( <> {isSelected && <TabHandle />} <div className={clsx( 'relative z-20 flex items-center gap-x-2', '[&>[data-slot=icon]]:duration-[400ms] [&>[data-slot=icon]]:size-5 [&>[data-slot=icon]]:text-slate-600 [&>[data-slot=icon]]:transition-colors [&>[data-slot=icon]]:group-rac-selected:text-sky-500', '[&>[data-slot=label]]:text-slate-600 [&>[data-slot=label]]:transition-colors group-hover:[&>[data-slot=label]]:text-slate-900 [&>[data-slot=label]]:group-rac-selected:text-slate-900', )} > {children} </div> </> )} </AriaTab> );}
function TabPanel({ children, ...props}: Omit<AriaTabPanelProps, 'className'>) { return ( <AriaTabPanel className="rounded-lg bg-white p-8 ring-1 ring-slate-900/10" {...props} > {children} </AriaTabPanel> );}
function TabHandle() { return ( <motion.span className="absolute inset-0 z-10 rounded-md bg-white shadow" layoutId="bubble" transition={{ type: 'spring', bounce: 0, duration: 0.4 }} /> );}